Now I know what you're thinking..."Oh God, not a page dedicated to a pet!" I've been through my share of personal websites and have thought the same thing, but WAIT -- our cat Trixie is not like other cats! She is not only beautiful but talented as well: she has created works of art for upscale galleries, prepares our taxes every year and has been conversing long before that fake black cat that appeared on Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Okay, so I'm exaggerating a bit. (She doesn't really prepare our taxes). Seriously though, I think it is appropriate to include the following pages about her because she truly is a member of the family. Trixie has been with us for over 17 years (she is almost 18 years old) and has always provided us with companionship, unconditional love, comfort in times of need and endless amusement. I'm a passionate lover of all animals and I truly believe that they help humans in countless ways, so Trixie's contribution of happiness in my life is incalculable. Having said that, please take a look at the pictures I have taken over the years and see if you agree with the man from Paris who, after seeing her picture, e-mailed me a message stating, "I think Trixie is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen!"


Trixie prefers workboots in a bathtub to water.


Looking out over her domain: the Upper East Side.


Born and bred in New York City.


Trixie does her "Cat of the Damned" routine.


Now I ask you: do cats get any sweeter?


Lazing in the sun is SO tiring.


Want to see more pictures of Trixie? Click here to continue >


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